
- Weekly · 1 to 2 hours
- De Zonnebloem Nieuw Vennep/Abbenes
Rob my brother is looking for a buddy. He is blind and would like to have more social contact. He likes to go out, for example walking. He usually sits alone at home and listens to the radio and no other hobbies. It would be nice to give him more company and exercise instead of sitting inside. Unfortunately the buddy he had on Monday to walk with stopped.
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Once from 1 to 2 hours
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Has laurence moon biedle syndrome, 63 years old, pleasant young man and blind. Before he went swimming a lot, cycling with his father or walking. Now lives with his sister while I work Rob is alone at home and has not much to do, then sleeps a lot or listens to the radio. Rob would like some distraction by walking, chatting, cycling etc. Pleasant talker. Now goes to the eye cafe and polder boys in C building which is often on Wednesdays where a group does fun things and discusses. Once a month he goes swimming in badhoevedorp. Written by sister Monique